Here is some of the Korean vocabulary that we may use during the classes.
Don't worry about learning this, but you can use this page as a reference :)
Nice to see you!
You are a beautiful star that comes from heaven
Thank you.
You did something like heaven
Ah, shwanada!
It feels so gooood!
I love you
Dowoo nim
[your name] Dowoo nim
Friend walking the same path.
A member at the centre.
... nim
John Nim
Added to the end of an instructors name
Wongjang nim
[name] Wongjangnim nim
Head instructor.
Centre manager.
Life force energy
Energy sensitivity meditation
Jang Shim
Jong Chon
Points through which we receive and release energy
Dahnjon - It has the same meaning as chakra and means energy centre. It's a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. When we mention dahnjon we usually refer to the 2 chakra, below your belly button.
Baekwhe - 7th chakra, top of the head, a place where many meridians meet.
Indang- 6th chakra. Bring your focus between your eyebrows
Throat - 5th chakra
Heart - 4th chakra. Bring your focus to the centre of your chest
Solar Plexus - 3rd chakra
Dahnjon - 2nd chakra, 2 inches below your belly button
Root- 1st chakra, placed at the base of your spine
Deep breathing and energy accumulation postures
A healing sign
When stagnant energy is released from your body, you may experience some discomfort, also called a healing sign.
Some may include: deep fatigue or tiredness, bruises, itching, soreness, pain in old injury points, old emotions coming-up, headache, nausea, shaking or vibration, cold & flu symptoms, losing/gaining appetite, changing menstruation cycle...
If this happens, do something to facilitate good energy and blood circulation in your body and contact your centre instructor for more support.
Daily Practice
Ji Talk
Talking without words and without thought. It is similar to when a baby talks. You need to empty your mind completely for JiTalk.
Earth Talk