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A method of rejuvenating the immune system, digestion, management of hormones, blood circulation, and a lot more for healing your body and mind.

Stimulate your intestines to:

-Ground your energy, bring the fire energy down from head to your digestive organs
-Release tension from abdominal organs and improve digestion
-Improve mood and gain a clearer control of emotions as you create a better environment for balancing seratonin and dopamine hormones in your gut
-Flush out toxins and waste
-Become healthier, happier and more peaceful through reconnect to your authentic self and strengthen your mind/body connection

BBH Tool only (without book)

  • The Belly Button Healing Tool has 3 different sized ends for different types of healing. The BBH Tool comes with a book which includes all the information that you need: theory, techniques, precautions and much much more! We also run many workshops and open days in each centre in the UK, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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