Brain Management Training
This is a truly exciting opportunity to become a Body&Brain outreach & community service instructor in the UK. Body&Brain is world-wide famous for its great mind-body training which incorporates Brain Education principles, classic yoga, elements of martial arts like Ki Gong and a lot more techniques that keep your mind clear, body strong and spirit bright.
Brain Management Training is a 6 day intensive course during which you will gain profound understanding of the principles of the holistic mind-body training and will learn how to use these principles not only in the classroom but also in your daily life.
Some things that you will learn:
- The functions of the human brain, energy channels and meridians in the body
- Principles of energy circulation in the body and exercises to improve it
- Body&Brain Yoga and Ki Gong classes outline
... and much, much more!
Exciting opportunity
to get the job of your dreams
Each day of BMT is dedicated to develop a specific mindsets which are the essence of growth.
1. Positive
2. Active
3. Grateful
4. Sincere
5. Humble
Each day together we discover the the significance and the wonders of adopting these mindsets, changing our habits and exploring new possibilities that come with changing the way we look at the world. Each day will be a combination of lectures, physical trainings and practical activities.
Brain Management Training dates in 2019
February 4-9
November 4-9